Saturday, November 21, 2009

Its True

Life is better lived than written about...
Wisdom is better written than forgotten...

Friday, November 20, 2009

a bRush w/ FutiLity

I just watered my grass...

Its so nice to have a yard in the big city...

Sometimes i run my hands through it and wonder if i'll still have it when i'm old...

I think i'll trim it this sunday...

Yesterday was the last yesterday i'll have until tomorrow...

I broke...

Don't take your teeth for granted...

a shark and his teeth are soon parted...

a vampire and his teeth are retarded...

suck it twilight fans...

The sky is blue today and so is my towel...

thats really all they have in common...

I prefer the consistency of my towel to the sky...

there is a good chance it'll be gray when today is yesterday and then my towel will most
likely spend the better part of the morning rejoicing in its uniqueness...

now its off to hug sons and daughters and have a talk with our Father...

blessing of every kind...


Love Drunk... (an average day)

I'm sitting here in my underwear and a shirt that reminds me of good times...

its sun stained and the memory my tan washed down the drain this morning...

I wrote a book that no one read and after read a book who authors dead...

I pushed hard against the floor... its no different for the encounter...

but I guess what doesn't kill me will only make breakfast longer...

I eight half this many eggs...

shut my eyes for a quarter 'fore one hole in my day i'll never get back...

Nimbus clouds gathering outside my widow blot out the sun as they bathe the city that never

but i'm dry the Son's bursting from my insides and producing true joy...

a sip of coffee... and a few more words... they tell you nothing...

i'm getting dressed...
